We recognise that we have a responsibility to the environment that goes beyond our legal duties. We also have choices about how we work, the materials we use and how we source them. Each one of these choices can have a positive impact on the environment if we are careful and consistent in the choices and decisions we make.
At Hydrocare Leisure Limited, we are committed to reducing our environmental impact and to finding ways to continually improve our environmental performance. This is not an afterthought or ‘add-on’, but a fundamental part of our strategy and business processes. It starts with training and educating our team at Hydrocare. We look to work with suppliers who have an ethos similar to our own and we help our customers to operate their pool or jacuzzi in an eco-friendly way.
As Directors, we are responsible for implementing our environmental policy. All of our employees are aware of our environmental ethos and they each have a personal responsibility for ensuring our key business commitments set out below are met.
James and Julie Phillpot Directors,
Hydrocare Leisure Limited